Internal Audit Department
The functions of this department are:
- Undertaking comprehensive pre-auditing of all payments and receipts vouchers.
- Appraising progressively the soundness, adequacy and application of the internal control systems.
- Ascertaining the extent to which the system of internal control ensures compliance with the Financial Rules, Regulations and extant Treasury Circulars,
policies and procedures.
- Ascertaining that the system of internal control promotes the efficient and effective use of resources at the Commission.
- Ascertaining that the system of internal control operates to ensure that the assets are properly controlled and safeguarded from losses arising from
fraud, irregularity or corruption.
- Ascertaining that there are adequate controls to ensure reliability of accounting and other information as a basis for producing accounts and for
financial, statistical and other returns.
- Ascertaining that there is an adequate internal control system to ensure the integrity and reliability of financial and other information provided to the
- Confirming compliance with laws, regulations and Government Guidelines guiding expenditure of Public Funds.
- Evaluating those systems, identify inappropriate and inadequate controls and recommend improvements in procedures and practices based on best practice.
- Recommending and advising on value-for-money and efficient improvements as evident from reviews performed.
- Ensuring transparency, probity and accountability in the government expenditure process by liaising with the management.
- Preparing periodic (monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly) reports and any other report that would be required from time to time.
- Carrying out any other duties as may be assigned by the Accounting Officer (Director-General).