Public Procurement Unit
The functions of this unit are:
- submit the procurement plan prepared by the Procurement Planning Committee to the Tenders Board for approval;
- prepare tender notifications and request for expressions of interest;
- prepare and submit to advertising media the documents for: soliciting quotations, prequalification, bidding and request for proposals;
- issue documents for: soliciting quotations, prequalification, bidding and request for proposals;
- receive and arranging opening of: prequalification documents, bids, quotations and, request for proposals;
- submit evaluation reports to the Tenders Board for: prequalification, bids, quotations and consultants' proposals for approval;
- submit quotations for minor value procurements (below Naira 1.0 million) to the Accounting Officer for approval;
- make arrangements for contract negotiations;
- make arrangements for contract signing by the Accounting Officer;
- prepare documentation for submission to the Bureau Public Procurement (BPP) for approval;
- prepare responses to complaints for submission to the Tenders Board for approval;
- prepare documentation on complaints for submission to the BPP;
- prepare all data and information required by the BPP;
- serve as the Secretariat to the Tenders Board and the Head of the Procurement Unit will be a non-voting member and Secretary of the Tenders Board;
- any other assignment that will be given by the Accounting Officer that may be necessary to enhance performance of the procurement function.